Sunday, February 27, 2011

To be or not to be....a citizen

Last week I had one of those rare awkward moments where I truly feel like a foreigner. I have lived here for twelve years so this doesn't happen often any more. To be honest, folks around here seem to like having a Brit in their midst and have been kind and forgiving towards the gaps in my Texas upbringing.

I don't presume to know everyone in our wee rural hamlet (pun re. title unintended) but I know and am known by the folks in my everyday life such as our church, the school, the post office, the grocery store and the library.

It was in the library last week - where you might remember that they held the grand opening of the new building, that I had my rare foreigner moment.

Quite properly and with due regard to protocol, at the start of the ceremony everyone stood for the pledge to the U.S.A. Right hands over hearts they honored the flag that the boy scouts were holding.

This act of patriotism always both simultaneously moves me and immobilizes me into a frozen statue of embarassment. As a Brit, I don't say the pledge or do the hand over the heart thing. I am quiet and respectful during this time. I appreciate respect for the U.S.A but I am not a citizen here just a permanent resident. I have a queen. God save her and long live her! 

Thankfully no one has ever pointed out my apparant crass rudeness, but I am aware of the disapproving and questioning glances from those who don't know me. I squirm and push my dual citizenship children in front of me and make sure they are pledging appropriately!

This year I am eligible to change my immigration status from that of permanent resident to that of citizen. My immigration attorney tells me that I can become a U.S. citizen without it affecting my British nationality. Officially and legally that is. Mentally is a whole different ball game. It is a weird thought to consider being something other than the nationality one was born. It feels a bit disloyal really. Would being a U.S. citizen make me any less English? Would I suddenly hate tea and cake and cricket? Would I speak Texan and lose my British accent?

How would you feel?

When in doubt I make a cake. So here's a picture of my lemon sponge that I made with daughter #2 today. Once I get the hang of how to do a drop down menu I will add some of my English recipes!

Have a nice day y'all! (See! I'm more Texan already!)

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