Thursday, February 24, 2011

This is a Download from the BBC

"This is a download from the BBC".
Short of "You can go back to bed", these are my favorite words to hear at 5:30 in the morning as I start my long drive to work. With the exception of KLRU, the local PBS radio station from the university of Texas, podcasts from Aunty Beeb provide my only access to intelligent commentary on current events, history, food, gardening, religious programming, comedy, interviews and ...well, just about everything you could want to hear about.

At last count, I currently download 22 podcasts from the BBC. Seeing as I spend 11 hours on average in the car every week these downloads provide me with company in an English accent for a goodly chunk of my week. My kiddoes think it's completely normal to have these fruity voices as background to their squabbling and games in the back of the car as we drive from day care to home each day but on a recent trip home with a non-family member, this kiddo thought it was about the most bizarre thing ever. HER mum and dad listen to country music. The implication being that country music has much more to commend it than the BBC. Clearly that is true from her perspective. My kiddoes just squirmed with embarassment that THEIR mum had to be different! Tough luck on them!

Keep it streaming BBC! Those of us marooned in a foreign place (however happily marooned and however much we like our adopted countries) appreciate it! 

What is my favorite podcast? The lives and loves of The Archers! Ambridge is part of my cultural landscape if not my actual landscape and the theme music is so evocative of my childhood as my parents did the dishes after dinner listening to this drama series!

If you don't currently listen to any BBC podcasts - check them out!

Let me know which ones you enjoyed!!!

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