Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's a Mystery to me

Sorry for the dearth of posts lately. I have been reading and writing other things and as you all know there are only so many hours in the day!

About three weeks ago I called in at my local Barnes and Noble to collect my monthly fix of Country Living Magazine so that here in unseasonably hot Texas I could torture myself with images of an English Spring. Sadly B&N had no Country Livings to sell me so in high dudgeon I was just stalking towards the door of the shop through the "New in Paperback" aisle when an all-too familiar image caught my eye. There, nestled between some un-noteworthy tomes was the Mathematical Bridge of Queen's College, Cambridge, a site/sight I cycled past at least twice a day for 5 years during my time at Cambridge.

 Interest piqued I halted my stalking pace and backed up to the book. It was called "The Devlin Diaries" and had one of those covers that just sucked you right in, made you want to plop down on the floor right there and just start reading. Well, with dinner to put on the table and homework to oversee, laundry to do etc I didn't plop down on the floor but I did buy the book and spent the next three days reading it until it was done. Boy! That was a great book and it made me want to read more books so before I knew where I was I had spent the next week's grocery bill on used books from Amazon.com! Sorry husband! Does that explain the rice and beans in our diet lately?

Historical Mysteries have been the breath of life to me these last three weeks. Restoration Period London, Who-dunnits featuring Elizabeth I as investigator and even a forensic pathologist from Twelth Century Sicily transplanted to my beloved Cambridge. Wow! It has been like taking a little vacation from everyday life. Even the rejection of the first few pages of my children's novel by a literary agent didn't phase me as much as I had thought it might. I could justify my lack of sorrow over that by telling myself I was doing research into how a good book does get picked up by an agent!

So, I have resurfaced from my reading binge and tell myself it is time to return briefly to the real world! Obviously I will order some more books from Amazon and this time discipline myself not to read them until the summer vacation which now looms on the horizon (brief pause for shouts of joy!), but more pressingly it seems like time to start Royal watching as the wedding is THIS WEEK! When all that is on your TV is basketball or Disney Channel, the most important news tends to creep by you. Off to Google Royal Wedding and figure out how I am going to get up early enough to watch it!

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